Working papers


Bičákova, A. 2014. Selection into Labor Force and Gender Unemploymet Gaps. Working Paper, CERGE-EI, June.

Tato studie vytváří rámec pro analýzu vlivu selekce do pracovní síly na genderové rozdíly v nezaměstnanosti. Nejdříve počítáme Manskiho hranice pro genderové mezery v nezaměstnanosti v 21 státech EU. Poté ukazujeme, že kromě pozitivní selekce, běžně dokumentované ve výzkumu genderových rozdílů v příjmech, existuje také negativní selekce žen do pracovní síly, a to v období po narození dítěte. Zatímco pozitivní selekce žen do pracovní síly vede k podhodnocování genderových mezer v nezaměstnanosti, negativní selekce tyto mezery naopak nadhodnocuje.

Stáhnout working paper

Kalíšková, K. 2014. Tax and Transfer Policies and the Female Labor Supply in the EU. Working Paper, CERGE-EI, December.

Tato studie přispívá k literatuře zabývající se elasticitou nabídky práce žen tím, že zkoumá dopady daňově dávkových politik na nabídku práce şen na základě mikroekonomických dat z 26 evropských zemí z let 2005 aş 2010. Mikrosimulační model EUROMOD je využit k výpočtu ukazatele pracovních motivací - participační daňové sazby, která se pak používá jako hlavní vysvětlující proměnná v participační rovnici. Tento přístup umožňuje vypořádat se s endogeneitou příjmů novým způsobem prostřednictvím simulované instrumentální proměnné, která je vytvořena na základě vzorku žen z celé EU. Výsledky naznačují, že nárůst participační daňové sazby o 10 procentních bodů snižuje pravděpodobnost zaměstnanosti žen o 2 procentní body. Efekt je vyšší u svobodných matek, pro ženy se středním vzděláním, a v zemích, které mají nižší míru zaměstnanosti žen.

Stáhnout working paper

Kudrnáč, A. 2014. Methodological aspects of political socialization research. Working Paper, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, December 2.

This working paper is divided into three parts. The first section starts with discussing the term socialization and proceeds with the overview of political socialization research to this day. Here, the history of this field is briefly outlined and the main areas of study are presented, stressing the major theoretical and empirical controversies. In the second part, the appropriateness of three main survey designs for the study of political socialization is discussed. The concluding section provides a critical overview of studies which used panel data for analyzing political socialization.

Stáhnout working paper

Kudrnáč, A., M. Röschová and P. Lyons. 2014. Overview and Justification of the Politics and Civic Activism Questions for the Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS), 2015-2018. Working Paper, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, May 29, and revised and enlarged November 6.

The purpose of this working paper is to outline the politics and civic activism questions that are proposed for inclusion in the Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS) between 2015 and 2018. This working paper is divided into four parts. The first one presents some notes toward a theoretical framework for exploring the interrelationship between the individual and their family and societal context in shaping a citizens attitudes toward participation in civic affairs. It is hoped in future work to generalise this framework further and outline specific hypotheses regarding the consistency between political attitudes and behaviour within different types of family. The second, third and fourth parts of this paper outline the logic and basic literature behind the questions proposed by the political science team for inclusion in the CHPS questionnaire to be fielded in four waves using three survey instruments: adult CAPI and PAPI and child PAPI. The concluding section outlines how these three questionnaires provide an integrated platform for exploring the dynamics of change in political attitudes and behaviour within Czech families between 2015 and 2018.

Stáhnout working paper

Röschová, M. 2014. Sampling and Fieldwork Methodology Used in the UK Household Longitudinal Survey, ‘Understanding Society’, 2008- ), Working Paper, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, May 16.

The central purpose of the Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS) is to understand the dynamics of change experienced by the population of the Czech Republic over the lifetime of the survey between 2015 and 2018/19. While CHPS aims to provide cross-sectional population estimates for the lifetime of the study, its central aim is to facilitate longitudinal research. Therefore, the main goal of the CHPS is to provide high quality, timely data on the short-term processes of change at the individual and household
level for the domains with which it is concerned. These domains are: family life, health, time use and income management; education and the labour market; social stratification; housing choices and inequalities; and political participation and civil society. The collection of short-term (annual) data facilitate the construction of longer sequences of high quality personal information of panel members across a range of social, economic and political themes. In developing the CHPS survey design many practical, methodological and theoretical issues have to be decided. These key issue are summarised in the following pages of this report where inspiration is taken from the extensive British experience.

Stáhnout working paper

Röschová, M. and P. Lyons. 2014. Comparative Overview of Household Definitions Used in Major Household Panel Surveys. Working Paper, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, June 20.

The purpose of this working paper is to present and compare the definition of the “household” operationalised in household panel surveys in six countries; plus two cross-national household panel studies fielded within a subset of EU member states. The primary goal of this paper is to facilitate the elaboration of a household definition for use in the Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS) to be fielded annually between 2015 and 2018. The evidence presented in this paper is structured as follows. Section 1 outlines six definitional criteria used in the household panel surveys examined. This is followed in Section 2 by a more detailed overview of the definition of household employed in the nine household panel surveys examined. The final section contains some concluding remarks.

Stáhnout working paper

Röschová, M. and P. Lyons. 2014. Proposal for the Development of the Sampling and Fieldwork Methodology for the Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS) 2015-2018. Working Paper, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, May 16.

The purpose of this document is to provide a reasonably comprehensive framework for the criteria to be employed in (a) the fielding of the Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS) between 2015 and 2018 and (b) selecting the Survey Company (SC) in an open competition for undertaking the CHPS fieldwork. Within this document the following fourteen topics, which relate directly to the practical issues with successfully fielding a household panel survey, will be examined: 1. General data collection considerations (responsibilities and panel maintenance), 2. Sample design, 3. Sample membership, 4. Interviewing criteria, 5. Fieldwork, 6. Survey instruments (CAPI with household and personal self-completion questionnaires using PAPI), 7. Training interviewers, 8. Interviewer materials, 9. Contacting respondents and strategies for gaining cooperation, 10. Protocols for during and after the interview, 11. Tracing movers (in waves 2 and following), 12. Fieldwork monitoring, 13. CAPI software (parallel block design), 14. Data processing and cleaning.
In discussing these practical surveying topics, using the experience of the UK Household Longitudinal Survey (Understanding Society, 2009- ) because it matches most closely with the goals of the Czech Household Panel Survey and provides the most extensive range of document of any panel survey available online, this document contributes in a concrete manner to the formulation of a detailed work protocol and schedule with the Survey Company selected in an open competition in late 2014 and early 2015.

Stáhnout working paper

Röschová, M. and P. Lyons. 2014. Time Use Surveying for the Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS) 2015-2018. Working Paper, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, August 8.

This working paper argues that the inclusion of a time use survey module to the Czech Household Panel Survey (CHPS) represents substantial additional value to the research undertaken between 2015 and 2018. The long research tradition of time use or budget surveys is based on the key idea that how individuals spend their day tells us important things about how society is structured and how it is changing; and equally important time use surveys provides evidence on both the sources, processes and (family) context of social change. The second part of this paper outlines alternative approaches to time use surveying; and highlights the current state of knowledge as to what time use measurement methodologies are most effective. In this respect, detailed customised time use surveys using personal diaries generate the most detailed, valid and reliable data. Finally, the paper provides practical examples of how an adult and child self-completion time questionnaires might be implemented in the Czech Household Panel Survey over a four year period.

Stáhnout working paper